Simply - Good - Food

In our pursuit of wellness, the concept of health has become intricately woven with the choices we make in nourishing our bodies. Embracing whole foods, those unprocessed and unrefined gems bestowed upon us by nature, has emerged as a cornerstone of this journey. Whole foods encompass a symphony of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, each playing a vital role in supplying our bodies with the essential nutrients they crave.

Multimedia collage

Go Bites

Kate's award-winning flavour will be back in stock soon! Juicy dates, creamy... 

Meet the founder

  • Knowledge

    Knowledge is the starting point. Once you have the theory it's so much easier to put it into practice; it's the thumb that touches all the fingers. Kate’s here to help you understand how food works to nourish your body in the best way and then how to translate this practically and easily into your everyday life.

  • Nourishment

    Nourishment isn’t just about balanced diet, macros, or ‘nutrition’. The way we prepare and eat our food is hugely important too, nourishing not just the body but also the soul.Choosing food together, cooking together and sitting around the table with family and friends sharing stories encourages good digestion, better health and mental wellbeing.

  • Health

    Sometimes we forget the enormous long-term benefits of eating well: improved gut health, better immune function, memory and mood, hormone balance, weight management, stronger bones and teeth, reduced risk of illness such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. And better sleep. All this helps you #Enerjoy! your life.